Hypo translucent leatherback bearded dragon
Hypo translucent leatherback bearded dragon

hypo translucent leatherback bearded dragon

Regular baths and moisturizers will help promote good circulation and prevent dried skin from cutting off blood flow to their extremities. Due to the lack of protection from scales or spikes, silkies are very delicate and need more attention in terms of skincare, enclosure setup, and lighting. Silkback bearded dragons are completely scaleless giving these bearded dragons a more amphibian look with their smooth, soft, skin with vibrant colors. The clutch will have Microscale hatchlings. These morphs are a result of breeding a Leatherback with two dominant Leatherback genes with a Leatherback that has one recessive gene. They lack or have smaller and fewer spikes on their beards and flanks. Some varieties include Het Hypomelanistic Leatherback, Hypo Leatherback, and Hypo Translucent Leatherback Dunner.īearded dragons that have smaller and fewer spikes than Leatherbacks are called Microscale. The Leatherback morph is quite rare, making them more expensive. Leatherbacks are co-dominant heterozygous while Silkbacks are homozygous. Leatherbacks are closely related to Silkback bearded dragons. Some Leatherbacks will have small spikes or protruding large scales along their backs. The absence of these spikes also makes their skin feel a bit smoother. Leatherbacks are morphs with more vivid colors on their backs due to the missing ridge of spikes or scales along their back. Leatherback Hypo Leatherback Bearded Dragon perched on a branch.Hypos can also be called “pastels” and other types include Hypo Snow, Hypo Yellow, Red Het Hypomelanistic, Yellow Hypo, Blood Hypo Orange, Hypo Het Translucent, and more. The hypomelanistic mutation can also affect other bearded dragon morphs so other varieties are hypo-translucent, hypo-leatherback, hypo-witblits dragon, etc. They are born brightly colored and grow paler with age. This is caused by a mutation that causes their body to produce less melanin. The Hypomelanistic morph is known for its lighter skin color and clear nails. “Hypo” means low or below normal and “melanin” is the pigment responsible for darker colors on the skin of bearded dragons. Hypomelanistic 📷 by Reddit user EpitaphREI.They may also come with patterns or shades of red, yellow, or orange. Some classic bearded dragon morphs have dark stripes running perpendicular to their spine resembling the coat of tigers. They have a full, spiky beard, a broad triangular head, and spikes along their flanks and spine.Ī bearded dragon’s spikes or spines are also called tubercles which are raised scales or an outgrowth on their skin. vitticeps.Ĭlassic bearded dragons have natural brown, tan, or yellow colors that they’d normally use to camouflage in sandy deserts. These individuals have genes that are closest to the original, standard genetic stock of P. And finally, the only morph that affects size is the German Giant.Ĭlassic or standard bearded dragons, also known as “wild-type” are beardies that closely resemble those found in the wild. These are Hypomelanistic, Translucent, Zero, Genetic Stripe, Witblits, Wero, Paradox, and Silverbacks. Morphs can also affect the skin’s melanin content and patterns. These scalation morphs are Leatherbacks, Silkies, Microscale, and Dunner. In general, some morphs affect the pattern, absence, or presence of scales and spikes on a bearded dragon’s body. It is a compilation of the common and established bearded dragon morphs in the community. There is a set of bearded dragon morphs recognized as the standard in the legitimate breeding community and these are named after their characteristic, not their color.Ī dragon’s morph can affect its color and pattern but “morph”, in the technical sense, describes a beardie’s body type and overall appearance and body type – not color.īearded dragon morphs are being discovered all the time so this list is not all-inclusive. The terminology “morph” should not be confused with “color.” Bearded dragon morphs and their specific characteristics can appear on a bearded dragon of any color. 📚 Read More > How Much Do Bearded Dragons Cost? Unique or rare bearded dragon morphs cost more than the standard or classic bearded dragon normally found in pet shops which closely resemble those found in the wild. Two individuals from different clutches with favorable traits are bred with each other to increase the chances of the next generation demonstrating that trait and so on. Different bearded dragon morphs arose due to the artificial selection or selective breeding of bearded dragons with desirable traits or characteristics.

Hypo translucent leatherback bearded dragon